Audit Solution

All our audit solutions are bespoke to meet the need of each individual client. Our outsourced internal audits range from support with an individual audit, to developing and maintaining and internal audit function. Our supplier audits provided to clients range from desktop audits for supplier approval, to auditing suppliers’ capability on site.

Conducting internal audits is required by all of the main standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001. Our internal auditors have the required training and competence to support your audits for all of the standards

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Are your internal audits not adding value, or do you need support auditing your suppliers!

Outsourcing Internal Audit

Outsource your internal audit function to get instant access to specialist staff with experience across various industries.

Additional benefits include cost savings and impartial assessments amongst others.

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Outsourcing Supplier Audit

Outsource your internal audit function to get instant access to specialist staff with experience across various industries.

We provide bespoke solutions to match each client’s need, whether that is desktop or onsite audits.

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Legal Compliance Audit

Our legal compliance audit ensure your organisation follow relevant environmental and health & safety legislations.

The audit identify non compliance with relevant environmental and health & safety legislations and a legal register can be developped as part of the process.

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Need assistance with your audit program

Do you need assistance with developing and implementing an efficient audit program, or just looking for support carrying out the audits, then get in touch to see how we can help.

Why Choose EQMS for Your Outsourced Audits

We only use highly qualified industry experts as our auditors who are also involved in consultancy including development and implementation of Management Systems. They all have a broad range of experience, which benefit the client being audited.

Our audits are bespoke to the client’s requirement rather than standardised solutions. This ensures the effectiveness of each audit and provide more value for money.

Onsite or Remote Audits

Depending on the clients need, the audits can be conducted onsite, remote or as a combination of both. We can advise on the best approach during the initial consultation, if in doubt which is the best option.

Request a Free Consultation

Contact us to discuss your needs and see how we can support to reach your goal.

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